Our Angel, Mackenzie

Friday, September 23, 2011

Routine are you out there?

Well, I'm exhausted!  I miss my husband, I miss anything that may resemble a routine...

Jeff's been working at his job and coming home, changing, and heading to the farm to help out.  Anna and I can't remember when he was last home for bedtime.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining... I just miss him.  I've gotten really lazy with making meals, and I don't think Anna's going to let Daddy bath her and put her to bed for a while.  She has gotten so used to me doing it and has been a bit Daddy shy lately.

I feel like all I do is RUN!!!  I just want to sit at home, and do what needs to be done.  I think our basement storage room is now screaming my name, it started out as a whisper about 6 weeks ago but it's now making my ears ring.  That thing has to get cleaned out... and we've got a lot of clean up to do outside before the snow flies. YES, I said snow, the crops are off, OK we'll give our neighbors another week, but we're ready.  Jeff is excited that we're supposed to have a lot of snow.  But first we do need to clean up the remnants of deck building materials that are strewn all over our yard.  Maybe I can con Anna and the two little boys who are coming to play tomorrow, that picking up nails and little pieces of wood is fun?  And the mommies can sit on the deck for a much needed heart to heart.  I love when a good friend comes over.  I just can't seem to be home enough for it to happen.  I'm hoping to fit a couple more mommy/Anna play dates in next week, one in Camrose, and one in Edmonton.  Here's to hoping!!

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