Our Angel, Mackenzie

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Good Day!

Today was a good day.  It just started out so well.  Anna called me to her room, as she usually does, and I tickled her.  Then she wanted me to read her Bible book about Sam the Samaritan.  She really likes this story, probably because on each page there is a mouse to find!  None the less, she's hearing the word,  if she knows it or not!

We let Daddy sleep as we had breakfast and got ready for church.  As we drove down the driveway, Jeff and I noted this was going to be the first time we didn't have a big family feud trying to get out the door - and we weren't late!!!

Anna's a good girl in church.  She loves to hear the organist play.  Every time the music starts, she comes to one of us so we can pick her up and she dances on the bench in front of us.  She sways back and forth to the music, it's so precious.  She also loves seeing the Advent wreathe and candles.  Today, when we were done communion, she tried to blow them out!  She is really comfortable in our little church, which I am thankful for, and today she didn't want to leave.  After the service ends each time Sunday, she states, "Gonna go see Kenzie's rose!"  I love that she remembers that!

I also love that our small congregation remembers Mackenzie.  They keep our names, and hers, printed in the bulletin  for special prayer.  I love hearing her name out loud.  Makes my heart flutter and brings a smile to my face.  It really makes me feel good that she is remembered.

After church we went out to the cemetery.  It was overcast today, but no wind.  We took Mackenzie a little Christmas tree.  I know it's a live tree and that it will freeze, but it's cute.  Anna likes to go look at her sister's angel and flowers.  Today a couple of the solar light ornaments were bent over.  We've had some warm weather and heavy wind, causing them to fall at a peculiar angle, to then get frozen in place!  There was no moving them!

Anna collected a couple pine cones for Mackenzie's angel, and sat them there in front of her.  It is nice to go there, but I know it is hard for Jeff.  It is for me too... I saw some tears today...

We came home, had a traditional "Lukan" after church pancake breakfast.  Then we all cozied up on our couches and watched "Beauty and the Beast Enchanted Christmas".  Ok, none of us lasted long, we all had a good nap!  Anna napped on my chest, it was so comforting!

We spent some time outside, and played hide and seek before bed, this is Anna's favourite game!  She gets so excited!

So there you have it.  Today was a really good day!  A little bit of lighter reading for you. ;)