Our Angel, Mackenzie

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A Special Visitor

Courtesy of my friend Shelley, Edmonton area

View at our house

Saturday, April 28, 2012

So true

“If you know someone who has lost a child, and you're afraid to mention them because you think you might make them sad by reminding them that they died, they didn't forget they died. You're not reminding them. What you're reminding them of is that you remember that they lived, and that's a great, great gift.”

Words from a friend's cousin, on the passing of his young son.
This was my friend's facebook status last night.  So I stole it and used it as mine too.  It just makes perfect sense to me.  I told someone at work today that one of the reasons I love writing this blog is because then I feel like it's ok if people don't ask, cause they already "know".  Even if someone has never read this blog, it bugs me much less cause I think to myself, "Oh, well... they read the blog, so they don't need to ask..."
It's so true, you're not going to send me into a bawling tailspin when you ask about how I'm doing, or about Mackenzie's birth/my pregnancy.  I love to share her with everyone.  I love talking about her cause that means she's real, not only to me, but to those around me.  I love when Anna talks about "Kenzie".  Anna and I have been driving daddy's truck to work (Jeep had a breakline that was 3/4 of the way worn).  So anyway, yesterday on our way to work, she says, "There's "A" for Mackenzie!!"
She saw the GMC logo on the stearing wheel!  And yes, she can pick out many letters and tell you a word that corresponds with the letter, but she calls all letters "A"!  She learnt "A" for Anna first, so to her they're all "A".
I know that Anna doesn't remember Mackenzie as her baby sister.  She talks about "Kenzie" in reference to her bear, the one we got from the hospital.  I still love to hear her say that precious name.  Some day, Anna will speak of her sister, knowing she's an angel watching over her from heaven.

If you know someone who has lost a child or a loved one of any age, don't be afraid to ask or speak his/her name.  90% of the time, your thoughtfulness is going to make their heart sore.

These are the children God has given me.
God has been good to me.
Genesis 33:5

Thursday, April 26, 2012

birthday blue

Well, I feel like you've been waiting forever to read something new from me.  So here we go...

I recently had a birthday, my 29th.

When you become an adult, birthdays really aren't all that grand.  This year was no exception.  I worked and it was just another regular work day.  I nice friend in the kitchen insisted I have a cookie for my birthday, so how could a girl resist?  My work day went just fine, and even had a great chat with a friend about loss... I picked up Anna and we headed for home.  On the way home I just started to feel very sad.

I'm sure I've mentioned in the last few weeks how this time of year, between Anna's and Mackenzie's birthdays is so very imprinted in full color in my memory.  I don't really know why, but there are just so many events.  I remember on my birthday last year, my friend Keltie and I went for a really long walk (7 kms) in town.  By the time we got back to our cars I was really sore.  I could barely walk when i went to Jeff's parents' for supper!  But we had such a good visit, Keltie and I.  Anyway, I remember talking about, and thinking numerous times through out the day, that next year on my birthday we would gave a 10.5 month old! 

Going back to my drive home...  I was recalling all those memories. I don't have my 10.5 year old...  Birthdays at our house are all about family and friends.  I wasn't going to spend the night with my whole family, I always feel like someone is missing.  And she is.  I asked Anna if she thought we should stop and visit Mackenzie's rose (the cemetery) on our way home.  She said no.  I was disappointed but I wasn't going to stop if she didn't want to.  However, as we approached the church she said, "Stop, let's see Mackenzie's rose."  I was relieved, feeling like that would be the only way i could spend a small moment of my birthday with both my beautiful daughters.  

I completely lost it.  I just stood there and bawled.  We didn't stay that long cause Anna was cold...  I cried on the way home and at home.  Anna gave me lots of hugs and kisses, and she knew I was upset.  I was also so irritable.  I was on the verge of an anxiety attack all afternoon.  I hate that feeling.  That's how I felt during Mackenzie's pregnancy day in and day out.  When I get like that I just need to be left alone and do my thing, however, I have a beautiful 3 year old, so that's not possible.  I called my mom.  That helped a bit, and I tried some friends to, but they weren't home.

Jeff finally got home just after five.  I told him he needed to go get Subway for supper because I needed some alone time.  He didn't protest... maybe cause he loves Subway, maybe because he knows the end result if I don't get to compose myself.  So off he and Anna went.  They even stopped and washed my Jeep waste more time.  Honestly if I could have just crawled into a dark hole, I would have.  Instead I cleaned!  So at least the house benefited.

I hate that I felt this way on my birthday.
I hate that I felt like i had to go to the cemetery to spend time with my baby on my birthday.
I hate that I sent my loved ones out of the house because I was loosing control.
I hate that I remember last years' birthday so vividly.
I hate that I felt so much better the next day because it wasn't my birthday.

My birthday was just another special occasion that Mackenzie's laugh wasn't heard at.  That we didn't witness her smiles.  I bet she would have been crawling and really close to walking.  On my birthday, she would have worn a cute little dress, and tried a little cake.

I'm happy that we celebrated my birthday with Jeff's parent's a couple days before the day.  I wouldn't have done well on the actual day at their house.  It takes a lot of energy to keep your composure outside of your home and comfort zone.  I don't want to keep burdening people with my grief.  I don't want to keep agonizing them over it.  SO I sit here, lost in my thoughts of last year, and what I wished this year would have been.

Next up is Mother's Day... ugh...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Anna's 3rd Birthday and Easter!

I know these aren't in order, but someone is crying on my lap so it's time to go!  Hope you enjoyed them anyway!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

What Anna's Saying These Days

Ok, I will admit, I stole this post idea from The Tompkin's Family

Some of Anna's favourite sayings right now are:

very cute dress and cardi made by Rylee's talented mom

"I'm ok, I'm ok"
said after a fall, bump, head bump etc.

"I'm done crying now!"
she wails from behind her bedroom door, when she wants to come out of time out.  Not that she was being bad, she is an angel.

"I love it!"
said while she eats ice cream at Grandma and Grandpa's

We don't keep ice cream in our house cause well,
 some people have no self control.  A great treat at Grandma's!

"That's Grandpa's flashlight!"
said when someone touches grandpa's special flash light at the farm.  This is followed by her trying to grab the flash light from whomever is unlawfully touching it.

"We going to Joycee's?!"
stated every morning as we drive into town right before I drop her off at daycare.

"It's wakey wakey time!"
said on mornings, usually Saturdays, when I don't have to wake her up, but she gets to wake me.

"I don't want to bath!"
enough said.

"I want a snack!"
Ugg, honestly one of the first things she says in the morning...

"I got to make a stinky!"
proceeded by a trip to the bathroom where she states,

"It's not ready yet!"
stated every time we get to the bathroom and repeat the two above a dozen times, and then the one us mom's love to hear,

"I made a stinky..."
whispered quietly, because the stinky is, you guessed it, not in the potty.

"I want to go to the other Grandpa and Grandma's"
said when my mom and dad haven't visited or we have been to their place for a longtime.

"I can't walk!"
Ugg!!!  said way to often when she thinks I should carry her.

All ready for church yesterday.

"Time to go see Mackenzie's rose."
said as she tugs on my arm, leading me out of the church, immediately after service, and to the resting place or her baby sister.  She hasn't missed a Sunday after service visit yet!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

And the truth is...

Well, just another day in the lives of people who have suffered the loss of a child.  This tragic event nevers escapes us.  Not that I want it to, cause wouldn't that mean I would want escape Mackenzie too?  I'm really not sure...

So here it is... Jeff's cousins were at the farm (his parents') to visit today.  One is from Australia, the other Edmoton area.  We aren't super close to either of these men, proabably because they are 10+ years older then Jeff.  I definitely know that the one from Australia wouldn't know about our little angel, and I guess neither of them knew...  cause they were both asking us when we were going to add #2, and when we were going to catch up to Jeff's sister (she has 4 beautiful children).  I am not in anyway mad or angry with them.  They don't know what happenedm so it's not their fault, but I did just feel like saying, "We already did!".  I held my tongue, and just said, "We don't know."  More comments were made throughout the evening.

I felt bad for Jeff' mom.  I just finished telling her our "status" on having more babies earlier this afternoon.  On a side note, I am close to Jeff's mom, but just wasn't to sure about how to bring up the subject with her or if she really wanted to know.  But at the same time, I don't want her walking on eggshells with the subject and wondering.  I'm sure people ask her too.  So I just came out and told her.

Before Jeff's cousin left the farm tonight, we took him to the place in his parents' home where they have Mackenzie's portrait on display.  I explained to him that we did have another baby, that she was stillborn, and that she has been laid to rest by Grandpa Gudmun at our little Trinity church.  He was without words.  He did say that her portrait was excellant... we didn't do this to make him feel bad, but for me it was to honor her.  Why wouldn't we tell him?  I'm not ashamed.  I am sad on occasions, like tonight, when people ask about babies... I was holding Anna who was just trying to wake up from her nap, and I just wanted to take her downstairs, be alone with her, and cry. 

My heart aches deepest when we are questioned if we are going to have more kids.  The truth is... my heart aches for Mackenzie.  It aches for all the days we don't have with her on earth.  It aches for the eternity I pray to have with her in heaven.  It aches for my husband who so wants to have more children.  It aches for him because people are even questioning him on our "status", and that's not something I thought men usually discuss...  It aches for Anna, who will never get to hold her sister, teach her new things, sing her songs, run across the yard with her... and all those little girl things.  My heart aches to hold Mackenzie in my arms just one more time.   Just once more... and the truth is, I can't.

The truth is, we don't know.  If you would have told me 9 months ago that I would not be pregnant now, I would have laughed in your face.  Both Anna and Mackenzie were conceived, well, like the saying goes... "We hung our underwear on the line together."  Yes, that easily.  In fact, Mackenzie was conceived just 2 weeks after I finished up with birth control.  So if you think your chances of getting pregnant right after coming off b.c. think again!  We were happy it happened quickly.  Anna was that quick also.

So I'm sure you can understand my anxiety when I never got my cycle back after 6 weeks postpartum like the doctors said, in fact waiting all summer, a full 20 weeks.  And now you can understand our complete frustration, that after 4/5 months of a "normal" cycle it just ups and dissapears!  I went to the walk in clinic, March 1, and my doctor was away.  I saw a nice female Dr.  She was concerned about all this and actually thought I was for surely pregnant, seeing that I was showing various symtoms.  She sent me for blood work.  She called a couple days later saying it was negative, so I booked an appoinment with my doc for this past Monday.

Long story short, I am negative for the hemochromatosis (YAY!!!), my beta carotene levels are still high, but slowly coming down, and I was given a couple options...

1.  Wait it out another 6 months.  I explained to him that we feel like we've already done that.

2.  Go back on birth control to induce ovulation... really??  birth control?  arg.

and if all that doesn't work
3.  hormone therapy.  My doctor and I are really hoping we don't have to do this.

He also told me that seeing how fertile I was, that it's a bit of a "red flag".  If this was our first attempt they may not think much of it, but since we've conceived twice so easily... well who knows.

So I chose option 2.  So I have to be on for three months... and then we'll see what happens.

I could have chose this option 8 months ago... but I really didn't want to go on birth control because we wanted to conceive ASAP!!!

I guess I have the next three months to not have to think about the subject, concentrate on my goal of shedding another 10 lbs, and focus on me.  I feels good to at least know where I stand.  I feel like I know where I'm going at least.

So there you have it.  I wasn't sure if this was to much information for my blog,  but it's MY BLOG!  I needed to get this off my chest, I know I'll feel better about it now.  I love this blog for that reason.  I write my thoughts and absurd feelings down and release them to the universe and it just helps.  It also makes me feel like people aren't "talking" because I'm giving the information freely. 

I told my good friend today, during our kids' playdate that I do know that God has a plan for me, I just wish He'd tell me what it is...

Please pray that we've hit our last road block, and that what issues are going on disolve themselves in the weeks to come.  Now that you all know the truth...

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.    - Jeremiah 29:11

Monday, April 09, 2012


Well, time feels like it's whirling by me. 

  • I have yet to complete Mackenzie's scrapbook or even work on it in months
  • Anna's birthday has come and gone and i still need to post some pictures
  • it's been 10.5 months since Mackenzie was born, and I'm trying to be patient
  • I feel a lot of turmoil as the days pass me by, getting close to "that day"
  • I feel like I haven't spent the last year "in the moment", I feel somewhat disconnected
  • I feel like I haven't spent nearly enough time in prayer
What I needed to be reminded of, I found on a friend's blog.  I don't think she wrote these words entirely, but what I understood was that I need to be still.  Let God take the reigns and lead me.  Trust in His guidance and to pray for His guidance.  I often get so caught up in what i am trying to accomplish that i forget to sit back, close my eyes and ask for His help.  I wonder if I was still a little more if I would actually get "there" faster.  I wish time would stand still with me.  I don't really want to get to "that" day.  Does it mean that a year has gone by and i should be that more "over" loosing my daughter? 

On another note, this has been on my mind for some time...  Are you willing to stand up for your Christianity like Christ did?  Are you ready to weather that storm?  Are you willing to be persecuted for your beliefs?  Are you willing to whisper the name of Jesus, even though you might "offend" someone?

Honestly, I hate that "Time" is taking a toll on Christianity.  I hate that we may offend someone by wearing a cross around our neck, but yet others can wear a symbol of their religion, even a weapon...

Our we, as Christians, willing to sit back and watch everyone from politicians, to acquaintances tell us that we can not use our freedoms of speech and religion to bring the word of God to others?  What has time done?  I think it's time that we stand up for Jesus.  It's awful enough that our children can't pray at school.  If let this trend continue, Christianity will be a small speck of dust amongst, well... non christian forms of worship.

I asked my husband, "How do you get to Heaven?"  His simple response, "By accepting Christ as your saviour."  Said and done.  Now, if you care about the ones around you, is it so horrible to let them know?

Have I committed some unjust act by answering the question, "How are you coping?" with this answer, "The strength of God..."  I sure hope not!  I am not telling you you have to be a Christian or shoving my beliefs down your throat,  I am being honest.  I have survived the last 10.5 months due to your prayers and the strength and guidance God has given me during this time.  I have told people that it is comforting to know that my Mackenzie is in heaven with Jesus, and her family...  It makes me want to be the best person i can so i can someday, be there with her.  I have my days, believe me...  but that's the beautiful gift Jesus gave us by dieing on the cross... He took on our sin, so we could be forgiven.

I believe that through the grace of Lord Jesus Christ I shall be saved.
Acts 15:11

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Still alive

Yes, I'm still alive.  I've been taking some time out from the computer.  I just have so much to do.  And Anna just really wants her momma when we get home from work, and after she goes to bed momma has lots to do and I just don't get here often enough.  Oh, and I may still be alive, but my computer... well it's not doing so well!  So that would be the biggest reason I haven't been here much lately.  I spend more time restarting this thing, resetting the router, unplugging the router from the back, waiting for the freezes to go away... oh, how the list goes on.  Good news is, I get a minuscule amount of $ back from income tax so maybe that can go in a "computer fund".  Now, if I could only convince my handsome husband to let me dip into his income tax refund, I'd be back in full business in fine style :)

Anna's birthday was yesterday!  what a blast.  Beautiful day out, beautiful friends, beautiful memories...  I hope to get some pictures up soon... whenever i have 5 hours to spare.  Cause you know that it's going to take this "technologically challenged" machine, to figure out what it's doing in order to download said pictures.  (sigh)  ugg...  if only we weren't responsible and I was ok with going and buying a new computer on my credit card, line of credit, sears card, staples card.... or savings account...  WHY?  do we have to be so financially responsible...!!!  I know we'll be thankful that we are, when a minimum number of bills come in...

ok, so I'm really just rambling about my old computer...  I've had it longer then I've been married!  Speaking of which, one of my residents asked me why I wasn't at work on the 23rd of March, to which i responded, "my husband took me to Banff for our anniversary."  "How long have you been married?" she asked.  "5 years."  she smiled with a twinkle in her eye.  "You've probably been married 5 times longer then that," I laughed.  "Well," she laughed, "Actually 65 years!!!!".   Yep, I hope Jeff and I have 60 more great years together.  I'll be 88, Jeff'll be 94! 

Good night, hope to get back with some pictures soon.