Our Angel, Mackenzie

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Night Left Overs - I stole your questions!

I was wondering what to write about today, I was going to start a serious subject matter, but somebody wants to play blocks.  So I've stolen these questions from this blog.  I'm supposed to answer them and that post more questions back to you, but I've only got a moment so here it goes.

Questions for you to answer:
1. What is something you are working on to better in yourself?  Patients
2. Favourite book? I'm terrible with book titles... Oh, it's called I Will Carry You, The Sacred Dance of Grief and Joy by Angie Smith
3. What is your dream holiday/destination?  hmm... I'd love to see the pyramids
4. If you could write a "Dear 16 year old me" letter, what is one thing you would say?  Don't worry that you "don't fit in" with the rest of the crowd.  In the end, you will come out a beautiful, strong woman with passion for God and family.  That's all that matters, swim against the tide.
5. If you could add $100 more dollars to your budget, where would it go?  giving back more
6. What is your least favorite time of day?  right now, bedtime routine
7. What is your favorite blog?  Oh no!  This is a hard one.  I actually have to say Jen's http://girlontheprairies.blogspot.com/ because she's done the hard stuff too.  I just feel like I have learnt so much from her.  Her journey has prepared me for mine.  I am so glad that I started reading Jen's blog, I would have been so lost, I felt like I had someone to draw from when we lost Mackenzie.  She made/makes me feel that my grief is natural, and not overdone.
8. What is one thing you are good at?  being a mommy.  It is such a learning experience, but I do the best I can, I believe I'm a good mom to both my girls.
9. And something you are bad at?  organization
10. If you could relive a year over again, what year would that be?  The year Anna was born.  I really feel like I missed a lot.
11. What are your plans for the rest of the day?  Well, I was going to write "finish making suppe"r... as soon as I thought of supper I realized I left my white sauce cooking on the stove.. so now I'll be remaking supper, peeling patotoes, doing dishes, giving Anna a bath, reading and singing songs, getting Anna to bed, shower and finally relax!

Have a great weekend.  And because I have to go make supper, go ahead steal Jen's questions and post your answers!

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