Our Angel, Mackenzie

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Great Surprise!

Well, today was a good day.  It started yesterday morning when I got a call from the installer from Remco.  He said he was coming out TODAY to place Mackenzie's memorial marker!!  I was so excited.  We only finalized the drawings 2 weeks ago.  The very nice lady we dealt with thought the chances were very slim that we would have it installed this year.  When she had told me that, I was so disapointed.  She explained it was not good to do it if the ground was really frozen.  I understood that... it just felt like I needed this done going into a "New" year.  I needed Mackenzie to be honored, with that marker, to get to the next step in my grief.  I'm not sure how Remco pulled it off, but they did.  The power of prayer my friends!  God is really pulling for me!

Getting back to my good day.  I was a little worried that with this colder weather we've been experiencing that the installer would decide not to come today.  Thank God I had a play date planned at our house with a great friend, our deep conversation, which included "Mom she spit on me."  "He pushed me", and various other interactions of three young children, my friend kept my mind occupied with great conversation.  God sends people are way right when we need them.  I finally remembered to tell my friend that the marker was hopefully going in today.  Her response, "It is, I saw a truck at the cemetery on my way here!"  Woo hoo!! 

After supper, Jeff, Anna and I dressed up and got in the Jeep and drove the 3 or 4 miles down the road to the church yard.  Yah, it was dark... so dark that Anna was scared to go out.  She couldn't figure out why mommy and daddy would want to go play in the dark.  When Anna did get all suited up and out the door, she insisted on making snow angels before we left.  I love that.  I feel like they are for Mackenzie.  Maybe that's Anna's connection to her sister?

I was a little nervous.  What if something was wrong??  What if we didn't like it??  We walked together to Mackenzie's resting place and...

Perfection!!  We were told it would be incased in concrete, but this is not regular concrete.  It's pretty concrete with sparkles in it, very girly and princess sparkly.  We are so pleased!

A big thank you to everyone who helped make this memorial marker possible.  (I won't use specific names because of privacy.)
  •  A big contributor was Jeff's employer and his family
  • My wonderful parents
  • My brother and his wife
  • My wonderful group of moms from across Canada (can you believe I'm so blessed to have such a great group of friends, whom I have never met in person?).  
  • A good friend at my work
  • my aunt
  • great families from our church
  • a couple other individuals. 
Basically if you sent us a memorial donation for Mackenzie, this is what we chose to use it for.  We wanted something that was going to last FOREVER!  Thank you to everyone!  We really appreciate your generosity.

A couple more snap shots of our night...


  1. It is absolutely beautiful. I'm so happy that it was able to go in before the New Year. Much love to you all!

  2. It's perfect! I am so happy they got it right for Mackenzie!

  3. It's beautiful and it's wonderful that you get to start the new year with this done. I don't think you could've chosen a better marker to honour your little angel.

  4. Its beautiful! I'm so very happy for you, Jeff and Anna to have this memorial for Mackenzie. All my best to you and your family! Sarah

  5. It's perfect. Finally a post from you that didn't make me cry, just smile.

  6. I agree! It's absolutely beautiful, glad you got your wish to have it put in before the new year.

  7. That is a beautiful marker. I love the picture and the wording on it. I'm so glad they were able to install it this year.

  8. Oh, the goose bumps that your pictures send. Mackenzie is for sure smiling down on us all....knowing how much everyone cares for her, her mommy & daddy and big sister Anna. The Marker is absolutely PERFECT!

  9. It's beautiful - gave me chills - in a nice way.

  10. thats the most beautiful Marker I have ever seen!! it is indeed, perfect!
